Professional Development Grants
Developing the Foundation’s Focus | Professional Development Grants
During the development of the Foundation’s Five-Year Plan in 2019, meetings were held with the District’s Superintendent and instructional personnel in the District to determine funding priorities. As a result, Professional Development Grants, one of three areas of focus, were developed.
Leakey ISD currently employs a committed and devoted staff fully invested in student growth and achievement. The District’s limited Professional Development budget, however, makes it difficult to send educators to high quality, research-based training. Grants provided by the Foundation would enable the District to cover the cost of sending teachers to quality training by paying for class registration, travel costs, and classroom coverage.
Teachers will be able to grow professionally and bring back new techniques and ideas to share with other staff and implement them in their classrooms. This approach allows the District to “build our own” master teachers. These funds may also be used to provide tuition reimbursement for teachers pursuing a master’s degree in a subject area or for teaching assistants who want to get a bachelor’s degree to become a teacher.
Professional Development Grants provide funds for professional development activities that may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Workshops/seminars in instructional areas
Expert Consultants in a specific instructional area
ESL and Gifted and Talented
STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math)
Tuition reimbursement for teachers who pursue additional course work in their field of study