District Initiatives
Developing the Foundation’s Focus | District Initiatives
During the development of the Foundation’s Five-Year Plan in 2019, meetings were held with the District’s Superintendent and instructional personnel in the District to determine funding priorities. As a result, District Initiatives, one of three areas of focus, were developed.
Leakey ISD is committed to be the best small school district in Texas. In order to accomplish this vision, a priority is placed on recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers. One way to do this is to offer a more competitive compensation and benefits package than neighboring districts. Funds from the Foundation will be used to enhance teacher pay, allowing the District to be more competitive.
District Initiatives provide funds to support the District’s vision to continue to attract quality teachers in its endeavor to become one of the best school districts in Texas. Examples of funding include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paying stipends to staff to become competitive with area districts
Reimbursement for certification in special fields of study such as ESL, Gifted & Talented, etc.
Funding a Chair for instructional areas