The Leakey ISD Education Foundation, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit corporation that promotes quality education in the Leakey Independent School District.
The Foundation
We were established February 22, 2019 and were organized exclusively for educational purposes to provide supplemental funds for educational programs in the District. Specifically, the Foundation seeks and distributes funds to support educational initiatives to further enhance student learning.
Leakey ISD
Real County Judge Ed Kelly established the Leakey Independent School District in 1919. Land for a new school building was donated by A.G. Weston and it opened in 1922. A larger campus was constructed in 1930. Soon after, several smaller schools consolidated with Leakey, including West Frio, Cypress Creek, Rio Frio, Exile, Stanford, Dry Frio, and Harper. A twelve-grade system was instituted in 1941.
Students in kindergarten through grade twelve are housed on one campus. Today, the district serves a student body of approximately 280-300.